Circuit Breaker Crossword

Singapore is now going through what we call a “circuit breaker”. Have you thought about where this term comes from?

A circuit breaker is actually a device that automatically cuts off the flow of electricity in case of an overload. Your home has circuit breakers. They look like this (but don’t touch the switches!):

You may have experienced a blackout at home when too many appliances are turned on at the same time. Although the blackout is an inconvenience, it is result of a circuit breaker doing its job. It is stopping the overload from causing serious damage, especially a fire.

Similarly, the Covid-19 “circuit breaker” is inconvenient, but it is protecting Singapore from a dangerous rise in infections that would overload the health system. (Read our April story 01 to find out why.)

There are many other English terms that are metaphors from physics and other sciences. The crossword puzzle contains just a few.

Type your answers into the boxes. If your word turns green, it means you got it right. If it turns red, you need to try again: you can type over the previous word you entered.

Can’t see all the clues? Just point at the Across or Down list and scroll down to read the rest of the clues.