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Thumbs up for What’s Up!

From: Mohamed Anzar, Pri 4, Farrer Park Primary

What’s Up is very interesting. I am often very engaged in reading all the articles and am amazed to learn about what is happening around the world. It is very important for us to read newspapers so that we can be updated about what is happening in the world. I really enjoy reading What’s Up articles as they intrigue me. And, I always excitedly look forward to reading the next issue.

Exams need not be scary

From: Talora Ang, Pri 5, Sembawang Primary

I know many of us do not like exams. Maybe you do not like studying or you think that the exams will be very difficult. I used to hate exams. But, I realised exams are actually just to test our understanding of what our teachers have taught us. Plus, look on the bright side — after the exams, the holidays will be here! So, next time, don’t be scared of exams!

School is out, fun is in!

From: Tay Kai Xin, Pri 5, Maha Bodhi School

Now that the exams are over and the school holidays are here, we are able to have fun! During the holidays, some pupils might get bored as their parents might be at work. But, there activities we can do at home too, such as doing crafts, trying out cooking or even picking up a hobby or two!

Although we are free to do anything, we should control the time we spend online. During the school holidays, we can also spend time with our siblings and parents on the weekends, such as going out on a picnic, playing some board games with them, etc.

The school holidays are essential in strengthening our bonds with our peers and family members. We get the opportunity to spend more quality time with them and even learn something new about them. Some people might think that the school holidays are just to have more fun but, more importantly, it is to bond with our family members more.

Let’s honour our parents

From: Marie Chin, Pri 6, Methodist Girls’


Are we obeying or honouring our parents? What triggered me to think about this question was when I saw a little girl in a food court recently. Her mother had asked her to help return a tray to the tray-return
trolley. The little girl did so, while grumbling and rolling her eyes. Was she obeying her mother? Or honouring her?

The dictionary meaning of obey is “to act according to what you have been asked or ordered to do by someone in authority”, while the definition of honour is “regard with great respect”. Thus, obeying parents refers to following commands because your parents are the authority. For example, your mom asks you to take out the trash. You roll your eyes at her, then reluctantly do what she asks you to do. This is a classic example of you obeying your parents without honouring them.

Honouring parents, on the other hand, goes beyond mere obedience. It means showing respect, appreciation, and gratitude for their role as parents. When we honour our parents, we want to demonstrate our love and care to them. It involves a deeper emotional connection in the relationship than just following instructions. Now, let us not just obey our parents but honour them with genuine care and love throughout their lives.

Making new friends

From: Gun Jia Cheng Sean, Pri 6, Sengkang Green Primary

Making friends is never easy, especially if you are new in a school. You cannot coerce others to be your friends or force yourself to be their friend. Instead, you can try making friends in school following these few steps.

First, you should get to know those whom you want to be friends with. Then, talk to them and know more about them, including their likes and dislikes. For example, you can find out about their favourite subjects and hobbies. Also, if there is a group project or a pair activity, work with those students. When you are going out to hang out somewhere, do invite them as well so that you will get opportunities to communicate and share your ideas with them.

If you have a bad attitude or are maybe a party pooper, you will have a lower chance of making good friends. In addition, if you see that any of your classmates are upset or feeling down, be proactive by talking to them and try to cheer them up. Eventually, you will become friends with them, and they would want to be friends with you.

I love reading

From: Chan Yu Qing, Pri 5, Maha Bodhi School

I love reading because it entertains me and shields me from the cruel and harsh reality. Sometimes when I am down, I just open a book and indulge myself. Books allow me to travel beyond earth, beyond the galaxies, and even beyond dimensions. Books play a crucial role in my life.

Work hard for the right reasons

From: Shannen Pua, Pri 6, CHIJ Kellock

Singapore is a highly competitive and academic-focused society. Sometimes, parents can go overboard in sending their children for loads of tuition and enrichment classes. We can forget what the purpose of studying is and get stuck in the rat race cycle.

As a highly competitive and driven person, I am like any other average student. I study hard and try my best in everything I do. However, I sometimes lose track of what is my motivation for doing well. I have to remind myself that it is not to be better than others. It is to improve and be a better version of myself. That is truly why we work hard.

In conclusion, don’t work hard for the sake of being better than others. Work hard to outdo yourself and to improve yourself constantly. We will only find true meaning in our success when we work hard with such an attitude.

Get balance back into your life!

From: Karys Ong Wen Xuan, Pri 5, CHIJ Our Lady of the Nativity


Are we spending too much time on our gadgets? Spending too much time online might not be healthy as it can affect our health, studies, and relationships. When we are online, we play games, study, and communicate. As the time we spend on our screens increases, our eyesight is more likely to be adversely affected.

And, as the video games are often so attractive, we tend to give up our family-bonding time for time to play the games. This weakens our relationships with our parents and slowly, we will start to feel very distant from them. We might feel like a stranger to each other and act as if we are in two whole different worlds.

People say that if you are facing any problems, you can always depend on your family. I agree. Imagine if you have no one to talk to about the problems you are facing. I will feel stressed out and it might affect my performance in other activities like studies and work.

I am not trying to say that we can’t spend time on our gadgets, but we must learn how to lead a balanced lifestyle. Maybe instead of playing digital games online, you can play some board games with your cousins, siblings, or even your parents! If you are more of the sporty kind, get your parents to play some sports with you. Go swimming, cycling, etc. You can make your own choices. Let us all get balance back into our lives!

Nutri-Grade label is useful

From: Neah Shibil, Pri 5, Opera Estate Primary

What do you feel like eating after a meal that hasn’t yet left you stuffed? Well, I for one will always eat a dessert or some sweet snack after a scrumptious meal. Honestly, aside from the main course, I will happily eat anything sugary, including sugary drinks.

Soft drinks, energy drinks, and many beverages taste good mainly because of the sugar. And the sweeter they are, the more people seem to like them. It is sad that although many people know and understand that this is unhealthy for them, as sugar is one of the causes of obesity, many still drink them frequently.

Most people underestimate the amount of sugar that is in the drinks. For example, a single sugary drink can have 11 spoonsful of sugar! That is why the Nutri-Grade label is such a good idea. Many people can be more aware of what their daily intake of sugar actually is because of Nutri-Grade.

A person can be addicted to sugar. There is a scientific explanation behind it too. Reading the What’s Up article has made me realise how important it is to watch how much sugar we eat. So, I will change my diet. From today onwards, I will try to limit the amount of dessert I have every day and try to drink healthier drinks, with Nutri-Grade A or B.


adversely (say “ad-vers-lee”; adverb) = in a way that is harmful or negative.

coerce (say “ko-ers”; verb) = force someone to do something they do not want to do.