Special Rivers Crossword

Read the two “Special rivers’’ stories (page 18-19) in What’s Up March 2025 to complete our latest crossword.

Type your answers into the boxes. If your word turns green, it means you got it right. If it turns red, you need to try again: you can type over the previous word you entered.

Can’t see all the clues? Just point at the Across or Down list and scroll down to read the rest of the clues.

Pokémon Crossword

Read “Pocket monsters that are still winning hearts” (page 22-23) in What’s Up February 2025 to complete this crossword. 

Type your answers into the boxes. If your word turns green, it means you got it right. If it turns red, you need to try again: you can type over the previous word you entered.

Can’t see all the clues? Just point at the Across or Down list and scroll down to read the rest of the clues.

Moana Crossword

Read “Moana movies show the wonders of Polynesian culture” (page 16-17) in What’s Up January 2025 to complete this crossword. 

Type your answers into the boxes. If your word turns green, it means you got it right. If it turns red, you need to try again: you can type over the previous word you entered.

Can’t see all the clues? Just point at the Across or Down list and scroll down to read the rest of the clues.

Rubik’s Cube Crossword

Read “Fifty years of solving the Rubik’s Cube” (page 25) in What’s Up September 2024 to complete this crossword.

Type your answers into the boxes. If your word turns green, it means you got it right. If it turns red, you need to try again: you can type over the previous word you entered.

Can’t see all the clues? Just point at the Across or Down list and scroll down to read the rest of the clues.

Wooden Robots Crossword

Read “Bringing wooden robots to life” (page 24-25) in our August 2024 issue to complete this crossword. 

Type your answers into the boxes. If your word turns green, it means you got it right. If it turns red, you need to try again: you can type over the previous word you entered.

Can’t see all the clues? Just point at the Across or Down list and scroll down to read the rest of the clues.

Takhi Horse Crossword

Read “Bringing the takhi back to the steppes of Central Asia” (page 8-9) in What’s Up July 2024 to complete this crossword.

Type your answers into the boxes. If your word turns green, it means you got it right. If it turns red, you need to try again: you can type over the previous word you entered.

Can’t see all the clues? Just point at the Across or Down list and scroll down to read the rest of the clues.

Lunar Water Crossword 

Read “Theme parks: Clash of the Titans” (page 14–15) in What’s Up May 2024 to complete this crossword.

Type your answers into the boxes. If your word turns green, it means you got it right. If it turns red, you need to try again: you can type over the previous word you entered.

Can’t see all the clues? Just point at the Across or Down list and scroll down to read the rest of the clues.

Theme Parks Crossword

Read “Theme parks: Clash of the Titans” (page 14–15) in What’s Up May 2024 to complete this crossword.

Type your answers into the boxes. If your word turns green, it means you got it right. If it turns red, you need to try again: you can type over the previous word you entered.

Can’t see all the clues? Just point at the Across or Down list and scroll down to read the rest of the clues.

Olympics Countdown Crossword

Read “River of Olympic dreams” (page 26) in What’s Up April 2024 to complete the crossword below.

Type your answers into the boxes. If your word turns green, it means you got it right. If it turns red, you need to try again: you can type over the previous word you entered.

Can’t see all the clues? Just point at the Across or Down list and scroll down to read the rest of the clues.

Growing Peace Crossword

Read “Words of war” (page 10-11) and the animal stories in What’s Up March 2024 to complete the crossword below. 

Type your answers into the boxes. If your word turns green, it means you got it right. If it turns red, you need to try again: you can type over the previous word you entered.

Can’t see all the clues? Just point at the Across or Down list and scroll down to read the rest of the clues.